Welcome to Billy's Place. I (Billy's mom) have created this Blog to keep everyone updated on how Billy and family are doing!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Still no answers, but feeling better!!!
"Me and minnie me"!! ( Billy and Dad sleeping in th "same" position all the way down to their fingers!)
Billy getting lots of love from Mrs. Betty!!!

Praise God!!!!!!!!! Billy is feeling much better.
Most of the last few days he has done nothing but sleep. But as we all know sleep heals. He did perk up allot more today.
The seizure had left the left side of his face twitching and his right lower lip drooping ( it looked like he had a stroke). The twitch has finally stopped and the droopy lip is perky again. Because of how weak he was we (doctors and dad and I) have decided not to travel to Charlottsville to see the Neurologist. He is going to be in town for clinic on the 5th of May and wants to see him then. Continuing new seizure meds.
As far as his stomach bleed.......
I think we are on the up side of healing. He is still not tolerating much food which is making him a little weak. The Gastrointerologist ( Roanoke, Va.) also does not want us to travel with Billy right now and does not want to run any test because putting Billy to sleep right now would be too risky. But he has changed his stomach meds to Carofate and Nexium. He said that a 4 hour seizure could definatly be enough stress to cause a stomach ( ulcer) bleed. I told him I knew that because "my "stomach was killing me!!LOL If we are still seeing blood in his stomach at the end of the week we are to head up the highway for test. But so far so good!!( knocking on wood)
We did take him to his Pulmonologist (Dr. Ricky Mohan) on Monday.
He went over the C-T scan results with us...... He had a bit of a collapse in one lobe of one of his lungs, which he says is fine. He had a cyst on one kidney, he said that was fine. There was no evidence of a new brain bleed!!! Thank you Jesus!!
So as for right now we have no answers for why Billy had a 4 hour seizure, but he is feeling better. I hope this never happens again!!!It has really took a toll on him and I have never been so scared in my life!! But if it does we now have medicine (DIASTAT) at home to begine the stopping process.
I am hoping in the next few weeks Billy will be back to his self and able to continue life as usual.............. school,PT,OT,and speech,"shopping" and play dates.
Please Continue To Keep "BILLY" in your Prayers!!!
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