For now we have decided to put his wrist surgery off until it is an absolute "have to". I am so tired of watching my lil man endure soooo is time for a break!!!!
Billy has done so much in the last few months in school and has even started playing base ball (challenger). Playing base ball is something I never thought I would get to see my boy do, but he is doing it and loving it. I fight back the tears every time I see him in his uniform on that field and hitting the ball. Of course he has help..... Brittany has been being his buddy except for last night Steve and I took turns being buddies. This baseball team is the most amazing thing you will ever see....... Every one should take the time to watch a Challenger base ball game, its really good for the heart. Special needs kiddos are the most perfect kids...they are always all about being happy and making every one around them happy.I am so thankful that God has blessed me with this knowledge and the opportunity to be part of so much perfection. I have always said and believe with every thing in me that a special needs person is the closest you will get to God on earth!!!! I just wish people in our society would open there eyes and see what I see and except my child for the perfect lil man he is instead of acting like he is freak or contagious.