Getting my shake-n-bake done!!!
Not feeling well !!
Like I said in my last post "things can turn with a blink of an eye".Billy had been doing so good until last weekend...he started with allot of congestion. I took him to his pediatrician on Monday (pulmonologist was out of town...of course). Pediatrician listened to his chest, did a flu test and a sputum culture. The flu test came back negative...Thank God! She went ahead and gave him a shot of Rocephan and put him on oral amoxil. Thursday the doctors office called me to let me know that his sputum culture grew some ugly bacteria, so we had to change his antibiotic to Keeflex. Thursday night before starting the Keeflex I realized that he was presenting with a stomach bleed. Respiratory wise he is doing some better. As far as the stomach bleed we are starting him on Carafate again and culturelle. GI doctor is off today so we are going to wing it through the weekend and hope he remains stable...if not we will be on our way to Roanoke(three hrs up the road). Prayers please!!!