Slide Show

Guest Book


This blog was created by Billy's mom to keep all our friends and family updated on how Billy is doing and what he is up to!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

We have had a busy few days. Took Biily to see the Gastr. Doc the other day. He had a wonderful check-up. He weighs 72 pounds and in 4ft 4in. tall. He is becoming quit the young man. The doc gave us the thumbs up on starting the Blenderized diet. We have started with baby food, just to make sure he doesn't have any allergies. We will do this very slow. The next step is to start blending real food, but I will need to work hand in hand with the nutritionists to make sure he gets all the vitamins and minerals he needs to grow. Can't wait to blend a Happy Meal,lol.
Billy has almost grown out of all his equipment, so we are in the process of ordering some new stuff. He has already gotten a few things. Physio Roll, Bench to work on standing so we can teach him how to help with transitioning from one position to another. He also has recieved his jet mobile, we are going to have a blast on that. We are waiting on a few more toys then we are going to start working on getting the big stuff. I just hope the insurance cooperates.
Over all Billy is doing great, he is a very busy little boy.

Busy, Busy, Busy